Symbolic paper
Since the 1998 Nouméa Accord, Caledonians have focused on the 3 successive referendums which must determine whether New Caledonia will be independent or will remain French. In 2018 and then 2020, voters registered on the special electoral list for the consultation were able to express their choice.
The stake makes these special referendum electoral cards highly symbolic objects that many voters wanted to keep. In 2020, an overhaul of the fundamentals of State communication is launched. The application of this new graphic charter explains the revival of the design between the 2018 and 2020 editions of electoral maps.

Carte Électorale Spéciale - Référendum 2020 - Recto

Carte Électorale Spéciale - Référendum 2020 - Verso

Carte Électorale Spéciale - Référendum 2018 - Recto / Verso
Client: High Commission for the French Republic of New Caledonia
Work done @ MBDG
Work done @ MBDG