"Those who remain"
Each year, New Caledonia counts around fifty deaths on its roads (out of approximately 288,000 inhabitants). Each year, dozens of families are confronted with the unbearable and must face the silence, the absence ... These families are "Those who remain". Direct or indirect victims, sometimes even perpetrators, the gaze of all these survivors gives us unfathomable pain. The strength of the campaign lies in the emphatic power of these eloquent and silent faces, who encourage us to be more careful on the roads.
To go with these sober visuals, the texts had to be minimalist, and they were structured to foster memorization. At the same time, the use of personal pronouns reinforces identification. This campaign was developed for the government of New Caledonia, with spots on television, radio, cinema, billboards and the country’s bus network.
Divided into four periods over the year, it targeted the main causes of road accidents: alcohol consumption, non-wearing of seat belts, cannabis consumption and speed.

Client: Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Art Direction: Mathieu Bastide
Shooting & editing: Emmanuelle Darman
Photography Director: Nicolas Petit
Work done @ MBDG
Art Direction: Mathieu Bastide
Shooting & editing: Emmanuelle Darman
Photography Director: Nicolas Petit
Work done @ MBDG