Two endangered species
Noé is an NGO that aims to safeguard biodiversity through programs for the conservation of species and their natural habitats. At the same time, it strives to educate people to encourage a change in our environmental behavior.
Two large posters were designed to help meet these objectives. One will raise the population’s awareness about protecting a species of conifers from the mainland: the Fir of the Comboui valley. This coniferous tree, considered endangered by the IUCN, is very slow growing, so the tallest individuals, with their elegant and distinctive shapes, are often centuries old! For decades, they have been the victims not only of intense and repeated bushfires, but also of excessive cutting. The full-size poster will be installed near the Petit Borendy tribe, not far from the vegetal restoration area where young plants are regularly planted.
The second poster, located on the island of Lifou, will allow local populations to learn more about a species of palm currently classified as critically endangered by the IUCN. In 2018, the recorded population was estimated at only 207 adult palm trees. This is the only known natural population in the world, making it a micro-endemic species. The main threats are human activities and invasive species such as rats and wild pigs. This full-size poster is located near the Jozip tribe, not far from the protected site of the aptly named "Palm tree of Lifou".

Client: Noé
Work done @ MBDG
Work done @ MBDG