"When economies and ecology come together"
The ecogeste.nc site was created to provide as much advice as possible to New Caledonian users who want to save energy. For educational purposes and intended for the general public, the site is completely free. Nearly 300 eco-gestures are gathered there, all are illustrated, accompanied by an explanatory text and divided into 12 different sections according to the type of eco-gesture. Complementary to the booklet "Building with the climate in New Caledonia", it obeys the same graphic codes: flat areas of bright colors and pictograms.
The ecogeste.nc site was created for the Environmental Initiation Center and benefits from the support of the Caledonian energy agency.
The ecogeste.nc site was created for the Environmental Initiation Center and benefits from the support of the Caledonian energy agency.

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Clients: Point Info Energie / Centre d'Initiation à l'Environnement
Clients: Point Info Energie / Centre d'Initiation à l'Environnement
Work done @ MBDG